Wednesday 28 March 2012

Bespoke Attire: HUF Hawaii Snapbacks

Nothing on this planet says summer like palm trees, cherries and snap backs. HUF the usually more reserved streetwear brand, has shocked the world with this off the wall, quirky, snap drop. This is a prime example of a brand predicting the movement of the general public, with more people becoming susceptible to vintage and eccentric clothing now, it is definitely the right time to release this bold statement into the wild. This cap is bound to attract attention from potential buyers as well as passers by. Due to the nature of the head wear it may be tricky to find an outfit to suit, however if worn in harmony with a relatively plain outfit it can be a key aspect in street appearance. If you love this new approach visit HUF's website now. 

Anyone of these six amazing snapbacks can be picked up for a nominal fee of $34!!!