'Teenage Icon' is another track that was premiered on the Zane Lowe show as his 'Hottest Record in the World' yesterday evening, we have The Vaccines with what is to be the second single from what is to be the London quartet's second studio album. With the previously released single 'No Hope' already achieving success, The Vaccines have shown that they are still a band in very high demand, whilst at the same time almost single-handedly keeping British guitar music afloat. 'Teenage Icon' is another track which speculates over the pubescent issues of theirs and many alike's teenage years, similarly to 'No Hope' which plays on the idea of the young person letting go of their youth and becoming an adult. This seems to be a common theme which all makes perfect sense when you discover the album is set to be titled The Vaccines Come of Age. 'Teenage Icon' is a fun indie track that will undoubtedly have fans chanting the chorus back to the band loud and clear at some of this year's biggest festivals. Have a listen..