Technology + Innovation: Shipments For Adobe Creative Suite 6 Set To Begin As Of Tomorrow
The news that a many designers and photographers will be keen to know has been disclosed by Adobe HQ and that is that the latest version of the Adobe Creative Suite is set to begin shipments as of tomorrow. With their main flagship product being Photoshop CS6, this will come as no surprise to dedicated customers who were last month treated to a beta version of the design software as somewhat of a taster. The enhanced Photoshop which has been anticipated for over two years now is set to endorse new features which should include 'improved content aware functionality, the Adobe Creative Cloud, and reengineered design tools' (Hypebeast). Consumers who reside outside of the Americas and Europe should expect to wait until May 10 to be able to get hold of a copy of the integral software. More details on Adobe Creative Suite 6 may be located here, plus we have also managed to get hold of the introduction video for you that Adobe released last month for Photoshop CS6. Exciting.